Most Fun a Pharaoh Can Get! 100 logical puzzles, level editor, community server! Play on your Android mobile or tablet, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Windows Phone, Windows PC, Mac OS X or Linux! 🙂

Scarab Tales



1. 7. 2015 – Remastered Scarab Tales released to Steam for Windows + Mac OS X + Linux!

15. 1. 2014 – Scarab Tales has won in Android Code 2013 competition! 🙂

26. 11. 2013 – Scarab Tales is now available for desktop Windows PCs and Mac PCs on Desura!

16. 11. 2013 – Scarab Tales for all platforms now with special lowered price! Grab it while you can! 🙂

28. 7. 2013 – Scarab Tales was released to Apple iOS App Store and Microsoft Windows Phone 8 Store!

24. 7. 2013 – Scarab Tales was released to Apple Mac App Store!

3. 7. 2013 – Scarab Tales was released to Google Play Store for Android!






✓ Scarab Tales is ideal game for holidays! Play 100 original challenging levels or download new level packs from our community server!*

✓ Lead Scarabs to safety. Touch level elements and the bugs to solve the puzzle.

✓ Gain 100 different achievements based on your game progress and skills.

✓ Create your own levels using in-game editor and upload them to our community server for others!*

✓ Check your score in online crossplatform TOP 10 chart!*

✓ High quality rendered graphics suitable for both mobiles and tablets.

✓ High quality sounds and music soundtrack with Egyptian theme.

✓ Children and casual players can try to solve the levels by trial&error interacting with the environment. Logical masterminds can think up the most effective solution to minimize number of touches required to gain maximum of Falcons and achievements.

*One-time in-app payment needed for activating access to our community server on Android and iOS. After activation you can download new level packs created by us and other players and upload your own levels for friends and community.

– If you need to (re)activate community access on reinstalled or new device (e.g. you want to play the game on both your mobile and tablet or you uninstalled the game and later installed it again), simply press Gain access! button and your in-app purchase will be restored on the device.
– If you experience performance issues (e.g. slowness, flickering of the screen) on older devices, try to restart them and disable all unnecessary services. If you need to close the game quickly, press Back button 5 times rapidly anywhere in the game.

– Contact us on e-mail if you are having any issues!
– Let us know your thoughts on the game! If you like it, PLEASE RATE! Thank you 🙂


For Android mobiles and tablets:



For Apple iPad, iPhone or iPod touch:



For Windows Phone 8:



For Apple Mac App Store:



For Windows PC, Mac OS X or Linux:



News and reviews






16 Responses so far.

  1. Alexandru Husti says:

    I solved all 25 levels. I think this game is made for smart and creative people. It has few rules but asks for more skills. I like it.

    • Roman Nepšinský says:

      Thank you for playing our game! Just for information, there are 100 levels total in original game (plus 5 tutorial levels), you need to collect more stars (falcons) from previous levels to unlock next level pack 🙂

  2. Lotte says:

    Ancient Stones level 17. I can’t solve that level. Does anyone know where I can find a walkthrough. I have search everywhere.

    • Roman Nepšinský says:

      Hi Lotte, thank you for contacting us. There are no walkthroughs available by us or by fans yet so we have recorded one solution for you here: Enjoy and thank you for playing Scarab Tales! 🙂

      • Lotte says:

        Thank you very much! What I did wrong was to asume the first one to move would turn left. I didn’t knew that it would turn right if there’s a boulder to move. I have tried and tried, I’m so happy I can move on now. I have given you 5 stars in the danish app store. It isn’t always star-giving is working in the danish store, but I keep trying! 🙂

  3. Дмитрий Каракан says:

    Losr Oasis level 19. I can’t solve that level. Help me pleasel.

  4. Дмитрий Каракан says:

    Hi Roman. Thank you very much!

  5. MrAnonymouse says:

    И где здесь скачать новые паки уровней?

    (Play 100 original challenging levels or download new level packs from our community server!)

    • Roman Nepšinský says:

      Hi, in main menu click on Community tab and then on “Buy access” button. This will allow you to download levels from our server and upload your own from ingame editor.

      • MrAnonymouse says:

        (Google translator) Hi. I bought in Desura. But in the PC version there is no such partition

        • MrAnonymouse says:

          Не знаю что произошло, но только что эти разделы появились, хотя до этого их не было.
          Don’t know what happened, but sections began to appear just.

          • MrAnonymouse says:

            Купил только что игру SliderWood HD. Оформление замечательное и музыка тоже. Будут ли новые картинки? А то 4 картинки слишком мало

            (Google translator) Just bought the game SliderWood HD. The wonderful design and the music is. Will there be new pictures? 4 pictures too little

          • Roman Nepšinský says:

            Thank you for your interest. We plan to add more photos if there will be more interest in SliderWood so we will see… in the meantime we focus on new projects, for example brace yourself for epic space adventure which should be released this summer 🙂

          • MrAnonymouse says:

            Thank you. I will follow your projects. Good luck to you and your team.

          • Roman Nepšinský says:

            Yes, in Desura PC and Mac version it should be unlocked from the start, just click on “Available slot”. Maybe you had to complete tutorial first so this option has become available.

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